
vineri, 3 noiembrie 2017

New book: Memoria. The Magazine of Imprisoned Thought. Special Issue

     A special issue of „Memoria. The magazine of Imprisoned Thought” was published recently in English. For those interested, please find the content below:
Table of contents
Ana Blandiana, History as a future ....................................5
Banu Rãdulescu, Foreword to the “Pitești File” ...................15
Eugen Lemnaru, The Peasant Rebellion in Sãlciile Village,
Prahova County, the 6th of August 1962 ............................ 27
Răzvan Cîmpean, Feminine Communism: me..moirs of Romanian
peasant women ..........................................................33
Gheorghe Nandriș, Soviet Commucide in Mahala Village, Bukovina
(The Communist Genocide in 1941) .................................. 50
Ileana Mateescu, Deportation to the Bărăgan .......................62
Dan Cernovodeanu, The Dramatic Situation of Members of the
Romanian Royal Army during Communism ...........................75
Reverend Teodor Miclea, I Did Not Betray My Priesthood .........79
Bucharest Churches Demolished between 1977 and 1989 ........ 88
Bucharest Churches Relocated between 1977 and 1989 ............92
The Demolition of Văcãrești Monastery ............................... 95
The Brâncovenesc Hospital ............................................. 103
Florin Alexandrescu Stănescu, Opinions on the “Slow” Crime
against Humanity ........................................................ 108
Gabriel Catalan, The RPR Academy in 1949 – A Scientific and
Ideological View on Two Important Figures of National History... 116
Pascal Bentoiu, The General Bureau for Labour Services (DGSM).
A Testimony from Personal Experience .............................. 121
Micaela Ghițescu, December 1989 - after which nothing was ever
the same anymore ........................................................ 127
Nicolae Constantinescu, “Universității Square” as Experienced
by a Surgeon ................................................................ 133
Pierre Hassner, Beyond History and Politics ........................... 142

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